Warehouse Logistics
Complete storage and logistics tailored to your needs. We can handle any individual storage requirements or comprehensive logistics services. Thanks to the ideal location of our facility with modern warehouses, we can easily ensure logistics to all surrounding countries.
Range of Services
Packaging, sorting, relabelling, labelling of goods, and other options according to our customers' wishes. We will store your goods precisely according to your requirements and ensure their safety.
We use modern inventory management methods, such as FIFO (First In, First Out) or FEFO (First Expired, First Out), to ensure proper stock rotation. Our company is certified according to ISO 9001:2016 and HACCP standards, guaranteeing the high quality of our services.
We also specialize in reverse logistics and handling complaints. We offer VAS (Value Added Services) such as warranty sheets and quality control to meet all your requirements.
Additionally, we perform copacking, which means we assist you with packaging and preparing goods for distribution.
Whether you need to deliver goods domestically or internationally, we are here for you. We offer fast and reliable distribution, ensuring delivery within 24 or 48 hours.
Our Warehouses Are
Why Choose JAPO
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Kdo nám důvěřuje
Velcí mezinárodní hráči i lokální výrobci či dodavatelé. Buďte mezi nimi i vy.
Contact Persons
Ing. Petr Zeman Ph.D.
Acceptance of orders, contracts
Telefon +420 513 030 158
Mobil +420 603 565 756
E-mail zeman@japotransport.cz
Roman Pokorný
Head of dispatching warehouse Vintrovna 23
Mobil +420 730 580 944
E-mail pokorny@japotransport.cz
Sídlo společnosti
JAPO – transport s.r.o.
Vintrovna 395/25
664 41 Popůvky, Česká republika
Fakturační údaje Vintrovna 395/25
664 41 Popůvky, Czech Republic
IČ 262 98 295
DIČ CZ 26298295
Pobočka a sklad Praha
Do Čertous 2635/20, P3 Park, budova D119300 Praha 9 – Horní Počernice
Kontaktní osoba Martin Sadílek
Telefon +420 725 903 630
Email sadilek@japotransport.cz
Japo-Transport Italia S.r.l.
via Roma, 261 – 31020 Villorba
Kontaktní osoba Karla Vrzalová
Telefon +39 3339237921
Email vrzalova@japotransport.it